The Redeemed Christian Bible CollegeRedeemed Christian Bible College (RCBC), Australia is an online bible institution established by the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
At RCBC we are dedicated to the training of men and women of various backgrounds and ethnicity to become leaders that serve people with quality and distinction; whether within ministry, business or careers in public service.

Mission & Vision of RCBC
The vision of the Redeemed Christian Bible College is to train ministers and leaders of influence and global impact for the 21st century who will be able to;
- lead others effectively;
- be above board spiritual and morally;
- be worthy and enviable administrator;
- be worthy ambassador of the college anywhere in the world; and
“That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works – 2 Timothy 3:17”.
✓ the training of potential leaders in order to equip them for leadership roles
✓ the training of leaders to train other leaders
✓ the training of leaders to adapt to a changing world
✓ the training of pastors for new and/or smaller parishes
✓ the training of new pastors on the societal, governmental and business issues impacting their church activities leveraging the existing leadership framework to create a more robust leadership structure and framework that strengthens relationships, love and unity the training of leaders to have a balanced spiritual cum secular pursuit
✓ The RCBC apart from the above will also emphasise the need to return to the established scriptural foundation for spiritual leadership built on the primary five fold ministry gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.
To achieve the above vision, the College has put all machineries together to make sure that all her products are well trained to get the best of:
- Spiritual skill;
- Leadership skill;
- Administrative skill;
- Moral skill;
- Counselling Skill; and
- International relevance through her training programme